When it comes to laser therapy, it’s important to make sure you choose a laser therapy clinic that will work with you to suit your specific needs. However, since laser therapy’s recently hiked popularity, many clinics providing low-quality services have been able to attract a substantial amount of clienteleas well.And so, it’s always best todo your homework and get all the necessary information on the procedure from the clinic before making a choice.If you’re looking for quality laser therapy services in Surrey, BC –count on Surrey Sports Physio.
We’ve been providing various rehabilitation services in Surrey for more than 30 years. Our goal is to help our clients stay healthy through physiotherapy exercises, wound therapy,laser therapy and other modalities.
What Is Laser Therapy?
Laser therapy is a pain-free, non-invasive, light-based therapy that makes use of red and infrared light to target injured, inflamed and diseased tissues. The treatment can be customized for each medical situation.
Laser treatments are also very quick, as they usually last up to only five-ten minutes depending on the depth, size and acuteness of the condition.
Here are some things you should look out for while selecting your laser therapy clinic.
1. Qualifications and Expertise
Consultations should be handled by highly trained medical staff. It’s important to know that an experienced and licensed individual will be working with you. Ensure you ask about the qualifications of the advisor besides the basic training they’ve had from the laser manufacturer.
2. Experience
The effectiveness of laser therapy depends greatly on the experience of the specialist. He or she should be able to understand the pain you will be experiencing, where the pain will be located and how long you had the injury for.
Look into the professional history of the laser therapy specialist you have chosen and if they have a plan for your individual needs.
3. Reputation
Find out if the clinic runs an ethical and reputed practice. This includes offering in-depth consultation before the treatment and providing comprehensive follow-up care. Always dig infor reviews online!
Looking for a Laser Therapy Clinic?
Surrey Sports Physio provideslaser therapy along withsports rehabilitation services. We also help our clients recover from sports injuries.
Call us today if you are looking for laser therapy in Surrey, BC.