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Physio for a work injury

As the Canadian workforce becomes increasingly service and technology driven, more and more of us find ourselves spending the day sitting at a desk. This has its advantages and its drawbacks. One of the biggest drawbacks is that sitting for long periods of time can be very bad for your posture. If you regularly experience muscle or joint pain because of your work routine, it may be time to visit your local physiotherapist at Surrey Sports Physio.

Having good posture is an essential element for overall wellness and long-term health. Although slouching or reclining may feel more comfortable in the short term, they also put pressure on parts of your body that aren’t as able to handle it. If you’re not yet experiencing any posture-related pain, there’s a lot you can do to help maintain good posture despite the requirements of your job.

Tips for Maintaining Good Posture at Work

  • Schedule exercise: Regular exercise will keep your muscles strong and help you not feel tired at work, allowing you to keep an upright posture with ease.

  • Standing desks: These are desks that can change their elevation so you can work at your computer from either a sitting or standing position. Changing you position throughout the day will help prevent muscle tension due to either sitting or standing for too long.

  • Get enough sleep: We’re all busy these days and sleep is always the first thing to be sacrificed. This can be harmful, however. If you are tired throughout the day it’s harder to keep your normal posture.

Stretches to Stay Mobile While at Work

Luckily, there are many easy stretches that you can do right at work that will help relieve stress and prevent any strains or pains from long periods of sitting.

If you feel any tension in your legs, for example, try this exercise: While standing at your desk, put one hand on the back of a chair for support. Use your other hand to grab one of your ankles and bring that ankle close to the back of your leg. You’ll feel tension in the front of your leg as you do this. Try to remain as upright as possible, hold your ankle to your hamstring for fifteen to thirty seconds, and then return your foot to the ground. Repeat this procedure with your other leg. Be careful to breathe normally and don’t be too aggressive. You should feel the muscles stretching, but not hurting to a great extent.

Of course, if you need a little help improving your posture or handling the effects of stress and tension, physiotherapy might be right for you. For more stretches or to book an appointment for treatment, contact us at Surrey Sports Physio to find out how you can feel great even at work.

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